Serving Oregon Families Since 1994

Top Five Common Mistakes in a Custody Case

Custody matters are charged with emotion because they involve your most precious asset, your children. As tensions with your ex escalate, it can be tempting to take action to vent or remove yourself from the situation. As challenging as it is, there are reasons why you should wait. When it comes to custody matters, what you do before you leave could hurt you.

Here are the five most common mistakes made by people during a custody case:

1. “Texting,” emailing, or posting degrading remarks on Facebook about the other parent

2. Leaving the marital home with or without the children immediately before filing for custody

3. Moving to another county/state just before filing for custody

4. Denying the other parent face-time or phone-time with the children

5. Agreeing to joint custody when you cannot agree on anything else

What To Do To Prepare For A Custody Case

Now that you know what not to do, what can you do to prepare for a custody case? The best way to prepare is to hire a child custody lawyer. Our lawyers will guide you through the modification process, helping you save time by assembling a petition properly the first time. We can advise you on what you can do to improve your chances of success.

Talking to a therapist is another good option. A therapist will provide a safe venue for you to process and vent your emotions so you are better able to weather the challenges of a custody battle.

Put Experience On Your Side; Call Our Law Office Today

At Charles Vincent & Associates, we are both experienced trial attorneys and experienced divorce and family law attorneys. We have successfully handled family law cases of all types in Oregon. Our extensive experience allows us to help our clients achieve the best outcome in each case. We protect our client’s rights with the utmost in privacy and discretion.

Call 541-597-9259 to speak with our receptionist to schedule an appointment, or email us. We have offices in Eugene and Coos Bay.

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